Below are a list of content elaborations that have been paired with the relevant TT tasks. The highlighted elaborations are taken straight from the BC curriculum. When you click on a task, you will be directed to the specific task video and the task idea.
The names of the tasks begin either with a “z-” to designate Zaplify or with a “g-” to designate Grasplify. Some tasks have the “©” and “®” symbols next to them. The tasks with a “©” have connections to cultural heritage and the tasks with an “®” have connections to other resources, such as manipulatives or word problems. These connections are can be found in the TT Task Booklet.
Exploring decomposing and distributive principle
- to understand that multiplying two factors is the same as multiplying one factor by the parts of the other and then combining them.
- to understand that multiplying the total of two addends by a number will give us the exact same result as multiplying each addend individually by the number and then adding them together.
For additional tasks, see page 81 in The TouchTimes Task Booklet.