The names of the tasks begin either with a “z-” to designate Zaplify or with a “g-” to designate Grasplify. Some tasks have the “©” and “®” symbols next to them. The tasks with a “©” have connections to cultural heritage and the tasks with an “®” have connections to other resources, such as manipulatives or word problems. These connections are can be found in the TT Task Booklet.
Exploring haptic, symbolic and pictorial representations of multiplication
to understand that multiplication involves two different types of unit counts.
Exploring arrays
to understand that order does not matter (commutative principle).
z-Order Doesn’t Matter – Part A ®
Exploring covarying to understand:
How addition and multiplication are related
Patterns (The unit of change is constant).
Skip counting is easier and faster than counting by individual items.
While one factor of multiplication stays the same, the other increases by 1 and the product increases by the fixed factor.
Exploring multi-plying to understand that
Patterns (The groups are the replication of the same unit)
Groups can be created sequentially or simultaneously
Exploring unitizing to understand that
Combining many parts into one whole creates a new unit.
How the size of the unit affects the product.
Exploring spreading to understand that:
When a single unit is varied, variation is seen to spread across all other units.